LWadmin01/ 22 2 月, 2021/ Event, Speech

主   題 :Security of Machine Learning Systems
主 講 人 :江炳燁 先生 , Mr. Ping-Yeh Chiang
主講人單位 :University of Maryland – College Park advised
邀 請 人 :陳駿丞 , Jun-Cheng Chen
地   點 :資創中心122演講廳 , Auditorium 122 at CITI
時   間 :星期一 , 2021/02/22 10:30~12:30


As machine learning models are used in more safety-critical areas, such as self-driving cars or medical analysis, it becomes increasingly important to ensure that they are safe against malicious actors. I will start out my talk by introducing a popular security topic: adversarial examples, where an imperceptible perturbation could change the prediction of a classification model. Even though various methods have been proposed to defend against these adversarial examples, due to the non-convex nature of neural networks, verifying the model’s robustness against adversarial examples remains challenging: the verifiable models are either too small or the certificates are too loose. To overcome the challenge, I will then introduce methods that allow us to defend against adversarial examples while making the model easily verifiable at the same time. Finally, I will demonstrate how the approach can be adapted to defend against adversarial examples for state-of-the-art object detectors. To end, I will touch on a couple of other security problems that I worked on to highlight that there are many more security problems for deep learning models beyond adversarial examples.

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